Shop Simply Smart Gardening: Online Classes + Printables

Let’s create your dream garden!

Want to work less and have time to enjoy your garden but tired of trying to figure it out on your own? Cultivate your gardening skills with Simply Smart Gardening’s online classes and printables. Join the hundreds of gardeners who are gardening smart, not hard.

Instant Downloads & Printables

what to do when gardening checklists

Get the right things done at the right time.

What To Do When: Monthly Checklists for Busy Gardeners

Take the stress, overwhelm, and guesswork out of gardening with these done-for-you checklists.

smart garden journal

Beautifully organize and track all your gardening info.

Smart Garden Journal Pages

Quickly and easily find the important information you need to make your garden a success every year!

Why gardeners love my downloads and printables

Online Gardening Courses & Mentoring

small space, big harvest gardening course logo

Grow more, work less.

Small Space, Big Harvest

The online course for busy gardeners who want to grow a wildly productive vegetable garden without all the weeding, watering, or worrying.

love your landscape garden course logo

It’s easy to grow your dream garden.

Love Your Landscape

This step-by-step garden planning course shows you how to create a gorgeous garden filled with flowers and plants that’ll thrive in your yard.

It’s easier than you think!

garden mentoring product image

From confused to confident.

1:1 Garden Mentoring

Imagine being able to pick the brain of a certified gardener and gain clarity … so you can easily conquer your troublesome gardening challenges.

seed starting school logo

Seed starting simplified.

Seed Starting School

Successfully start your own plants at home this year. It’s everything you need to know to start seeds with ease – indoors and out.

Why students love my gardening classes

Simply Smart Gardening
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