What to Plant in June 2024: How to Grow a Successful Garden
With the warmer weather and longer days, June is the perfect month to get out in the garden.
And even though it’s a busy time, it’s not too late to plant!
But it can be tough to know what to plant in your garden this time of year.
You want to plant the right things at the right time…
And there’s a lot more to it than transplanting tomatoes this month!
So let’s look at some of the best flowers, vegetables, and herbs to plant in June.
But first, have you downloaded my FREE June gardening checklist? Get it as a bonus for joining my newsletter.
Things to plant in June:
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What vegetables to plant in June
- Plant celery early this month (self-blanching varieties are best for home gardeners). Celery is a heavy feeder, so be sure to plant it in fertile soil.
- If you live in a warm-season area, plant sweet potato slips early in the month if you didn’t plant them last month. Sweet potatoes prefer lean, well-draining soil.
- Set out transplants of Brussels sprouts. These will mature for a fall harvest.
- Transplant okra plants once the soil temperature is greater than 70°F.
- Plant tomato transplants in early June.
- Check for the days to maturity before selecting tomato plants to transplant this month.
- Choose tomato varieties that’ll produce tomatoes before your first frost.

Fall is closer than you think!
Maximize your fall gardening success this year by learning when to plant your fall crops this summer – find out all the details in my guide on when should I start my fall garden.
Vegetable seeds to sow in June
- June is a great time to succession plant fast-growing crops such as radishes, beets, or carrots. See: How to Succession Plant.
- When your peas are finished, replace them with successional sowings of pole beans, cucumbers, or asparagus beans for a continuous crop of garden veggies.
- Plant pumpkins now to have Jack-o-lanterns for Halloween.
- Plant summer squash this month. If powdery mildew is a problem where you live, you may want to succession plant your squash. Replace any diseased plants with new transplants or seeds this month.
Get a printable list of what to do in your garden this month: Download my free June checklist.
- You still have time to plant potatoes and get a late summer harvest. Amend your soil with organic matter, but don’t fertilize with nitrogen past the first month.
- This is the perfect time to plant more cucumbers. Cucumber seeds germinate best in warm soil. They need a soil temperature of 60-95° F to sprout. Cucumbers germinate best at 90° F.
Related: Best books on vegetable gardening.

Keep a close eye on the quality of the remaining spring crops in your vegetable garden.
Hot summer weather causes greens like lettuce and spinach to bolt and become bitter.
Replace spent cool-season crops with a quick-growing crop for the summer planting season.
Related freebie: FREE landscape checklist pdf.
Vegetable seeds to start indoors in June
Start seedlings for your fall garden late this month. Count backward from your first frost date to calculate when to start your seeds and plant seedlings.
Good candidates for fall planting include:
- Bok Choy
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Kale
Consider direct sowing these veggies for a fall crop:
- Beets
- Bunching onions (scallions)
- Carrots
- Daikon radishes
- Swiss chard
Make getting the right things done this month simple. Download my FREE gardening checklist.
Herbs to plant in June
Take and start rosemary cuttings to bring inside and grow over the winter.
Learn about propagating rosemary from the Grow the Home Garden channel:
Many herbs can still be planted in June, including:
- Basil
- Dill
- Marjoram
- Rosemary
Best flowers to plant in June
Sow seeds of biennials, such as hollyhock, directly into your flower garden this month for next year’s bloom. Mark the area carefully to avoid accidentally disturbing the seeds.
You can transplant and divide this month. But you may need to shade transplants with shade cloth to reduce transplant shock.
By mid-month, plant summer-blooming bulbs such as gladiolus, dahlias, and canna lilies.
Flower seed to sow in June
You still have plenty of time to plant annual flowers! Ideal choices for direct sowing include:
- Amaranthus
- Bachelor’s Button
- California Poppy
- Cosmos
- Flax
- Morning Glory
- Nigella
- Sunflower
- Sweet Alyssum
- Sweet Pea

Plant heat-loving plants such as:
- Blanket flower
- Nasturtiums (Bonus: nasturtium flowers are edible!)
- Calendula
- Lavender
- Sweet William
What else can you plant in June?

- Root cuttings of garden plants to increase your collection or share with a friend.
- You can transplant and divide this month. But you may need to shade transplants with shade cloth to reduce transplant shock.
- Root houseplant cuttings to increase your collection or share with a friend.
- Seed bare areas of turf with an appropriate grass seed mixture.
- Keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate.
- It can take grass seed up to 21 days to germinate.
- Don’t allow the grass to become overly dry for the first year, and limit excessive foot traffic.

Take the guesswork out of what to do in your garden this month. Get my FREE Smart Gardening Checklist for June.
Is it ok to plant in June?
Ideally, you’ll finish all early-season planting of trees, shrubs, and perennials by mid-June. Transplanting and dividing can continue, but plants may need to be shaded to reduce transplant shock.
Can you plant bulbs in June?
Summer-blooming bulbs such as Dahlias, Gladiolus, and Canna Lilies thrive in hot climates with full sun. This makes summer the perfect time for planting. Make sure you have enough time before your first frost for them to grow and bloom.
Can you plant perennials in June?
You can plant perennials in June. It’s best to get them in the ground by mid-June to avoid the worst of the summer heat. If the temperatures soar, you may need to give them some shade for a few weeks. And keep them well watered to help minimize transplant shock.
Is it too late to plant a garden in June?
It’s not too late to plant a garden in June. There are plenty of heat-tolerant flowers and vegetables you can plant this month.
Can you plant potatoes in June?
Typically, potatoes are planted in early to late spring. But you can plant potatoes in June for a second harvest. Look for fast-growing varieties to be sure you’ll get potatoes by fall. Some can be planted as late as July 1st if you live in a mild climate.
Is it too late to plant cucumbers in June?
June is the perfect time to plant cucumbers in many locations. Cucumbers germinate best in warm soil. (60-95° F).
Is it too late to plant green beans in June?
June is a great time to plant green beans. Choose a variety with a short maturity time.
Is June too late to plant tomatoes?
It’s not too late to plant tomatoes in June, as long as you plant transplants. Choose varieties that’ll mature before your first frost date. Check the days to maturity when you select tomato plants to transplant in June.
Get your June planting guide and checklist
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Download the June gardening checklist now. You’ll be sure to get the right things done in your garden every June!
Get even more monthly gardening tips:
- What can I plant in May?
- What to do in the garden in May.
- June gardening guide.
- What to plant in July.
- July garden tips.
What have you planted in your garden this June?
Let me know in a comment below!